Petra celebrates 11 years as one of the New 7 Wonders of the World!

PetraTime sure does fly – 11 years ago, Petra was voted as one of the New 7 Wonders of the World! And this last weekend, Petra went and celebrated its anniversary!

The Petra Development and Tourism Region Authority (PDTRA) arranged a number of activities to celebrate the July 7, 2007 vote, when the Lost City of Petra became one of the New Seven Wonders.

The showstopper was the lighting of 15,000 candles from the visitors center through the Siq, the Treasury, the theater and up to the Monastery. There are often night tours of Petra, but this event saw the highest number of candles ever lit in Petra, over a distance of 12 km!

Best of all, the site was FREE to enter, from 08:30 – 23:00, with some 3,000 tourists and locals joining the party.